Monday, February 20, 2012

Infusion #2

6:30am left for Houston - raining
10:15am arrive MD Anderson - still raining
10:20am Blood Draw - get the same nurse as before and I'm glad about that. I tell her only Erma can draw my blood :)
10:45am check in at the Chemo Unit, they give me a beeper that resembles one from Macaroni Grill and we go get some lunch
12:15 lab results are in (and it is looking good) and my bed is ready
12:45 start infusion - IV is sore again this time, but I'm prepared with pain meds, so its tolerable
1:45 infusion is over
2:00 IV flush is over and IV taken out
2:30 I'm out of bed ready to go, but they keep me until 3:00
John shows me funny YouTube videos on my iPad....we were laughing our heads off at funny dogs, kids, and silly antics
3:00 we leave campus and head for Uncle Keith and Aunt Darla's house
By the time we get there - the rain is POURING down - we wait it out awhile until 6:30
6:45pm after gas fill up, we are on the road. Rain falls 90% of the time.
10:10pm we are home. 

Next morning, I pull myself out of bed for Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music.  I bought these tickets for Kelley's birthday several months ago.  I HAVE to go! It was still raining and I carried her too much on my infusion arm without thinking.  Kelley was scared of the dark theater and as she puts it the "big sound."  By the time I got home and back to bed, my arm was super sore and experiencing what we are referring to as "liver cramps."  The lesion sites do seem to hurt worse just after an infusion.  John says that the medicine is "zapping" those tumors good!  I have about 7 tumors....that medicine has some work to do!  

P.S. I've heard that some have had trouble with the youtube video.  You can go directly to their website and search "kara kelley hallmark" now and it will pull up.  Thank you everyone for following, loving, holding vigil, praying, meditating, and keeping me close in your thoughts and hearts. I love you, K

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