Thursday, April 12, 2012


Hi Everyone,

I can hardly believe that it is time to go to Houston again. Those two weeks feel like one week.  Good news is that we have a great route with the new highway on the east side of Austin, 130. So, even if we leave at rush hour, we don't run into much traffic.  It is gray and windy today, threatening to rain tomorrow.  We need it. Its hard to complain about the rain.

John is going with me in the morning.  I have routine blood work at the lab and then to the infusion lab for chemo.  I will see the research nurse to report my symptoms. Unfortunately, my pain is more consistent these days, which I try not to translate into fear.  I have an internal medicine physician, who is also on my team and following my pain management.  So, this is good, except I really hate to take pills.  Pills and needles, ugh. I know that it could be worse. The doctors all communicate with each other - with my help.  I really can see how people without family and friends could get so lost in the system.  Healthcare requires the patient to be so involved with the process when you are at your most vulnerable.  

I am resting peacefully with my dogs when I'm home and happy when I'm getting work done at home and campus.

This infusion will be my 5th.  Woohoo!!  I will be scanned again the week of my birthday, May 23.  Between now and then, infusions every other week as long as blood work looks good.

Peace and love and thank you for following me and lifting me up, Kara

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